Place an Order
Place an order conveniently online below. You can also place an order by or phone: 877-646-5150.
Our products are sold in different thicknesses depending on your needs. Each sheet measures 6 inches wide and 5¼ inches long and is tapered from the center toward each end.
Introductory Sample Box—$24.50
5 sheets consisting of:
1 - .001"
1 - .002"
1 - .003"
1 - .004"
1 - .005"
Standard Box Sets
All Standard Box Sets contain 12 sheets.
.001” thickness, 12 sheets—$52.50
.002” thickness, 12 sheets—$52.50
.003” thickness, 12 sheets—$52.50
.004” thickness, 12 sheets—$52.50
.005” thickness, 12 sheets—$52.50
Standard Assorted Box—$52.50
12 Sheets consisting of:
2 - .001”
5 - .002”
3 - .003”
1 - .004”
1 - .005”
“Our most popular sale!”
-Denise Moritz, Owner
12 sheets (U-Pick assorted)—$52.50
Meaning you choose what you want in your box of shims. (Contact us for U-Pick box orders.)
1 - .001”, 6 - .002”, 5 - .003” = 12 shims
7 - .002”, 4 - .003”, 1 - .005” = 12 shims
6 - .002”, 6 - .003” = 12 shims
Basically whatever combination of 12 shims of the variety of sizes you would like. (Contact us to place your custom order.)
Limited Time Offer…On Domestic orders of 5 or more of our Standard Set boxes, shipping charges are now waived (free).